WA parliament gets a 'tour de force' on why euthanasia & assisted suicide is a bad idea.

Western Australia's The Hon Nick Goiran MLC understands the issues with euthanasia & assisted suicide extremely well and worked towards the defeat of the last euthanasia bill in his home state that was defeated in 2010. Nick Goiran MLCWe reported earlier Nick's speech to the parliament on
This week, in responding to the Western Australian budget bills, Nick talks about palliative care, suicide, the 'momentum' of euthanasia in Australia and problems with the legislation in Oregon USA.
We congratulate the Western Australian government for the continued focus on increased funding and access for palliative care services as outlined by Nick.
Nick also makes some interesting remarks in respect to the suggestion that there is a 'momentum' worldwide towards euthanasia:

The article I referred to earlier was published in August 2010 and makes reference to a bill that was at the time before the Scottish Parliament—the End of Life Assistance (Scotland) Bill. The article basically used that legislation as evidence that there was momentum for legalised euthanasia continuing around the world. It certainly is true that there are repeated efforts across multiple jurisdictions around the globe in this regard, so in that respect I agree that there are attempts. However, it is one thing to attempt to bring in a piece of legislation and another for it to be successful. I am delighted to report that the momentum for defeating euthanasia bills is continuing. Interestingly, the Scottish Parliament subsequently rejected that bill by a decisive 85 votes to 16.

Other jurisdictions that have recently had to engage in this matter included the South Australian House of Assembly, which defeated a similar bill on 14 June 2012, and on 6 November 2012 a proposition to allow physician-assisted suicide in Massachusetts was defeated by 51 per cent to 49 per cent in a popular ballot.

Nick's comments remind me of the joke-definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result!
No I'm not saying that euthanasia's supporters are insane, but Nick's point is nonetheless a valid one: just because there is a great deal of activity does not indicate momentum.
Many thanks Nick!
You can read the full text of Nick's speech HERE.