Belgium Report: for the parents but in children's school bags!

This is simply and breathtakingly cruel. But cruelty seems to be off the Belgian moral register when it comes to euthanasia. Logan's Run?More like Soylent Green with glee. 

When in Belgium last year a local commented to me that Professor Wim Distelmans, the man in charge of the Belgian Government's Euthanasia Evaluation Commission and the medico who has been involved in many of the notorious euthanasia cases, was something of a 'rockstar'.
Here's confirmation from Kevin Fitzpatrick that Distelmans is also something of a 'death evangelist'.
By Kevin Fitzpatrick OBE
Belgium is becoming beyond belief.
The chair of the local Free Humanist group in the Belgian town Aarschot is organizing a lecture by the leading euthanasia advocate Wim Distelmans. She is also a primary school teacher, and is organising this meeting outside of school. Yet amongst her advertising strategies, she placed this flyer about Distelmans speaking on euthanasia in the children's school diaries! She even placed it in the diary of one 8 year old child whose grandmother had been euthanized by Distelmans without the family's knowledge.
Quite rightly indignant, the child's father Dr Tom Mortier, challenged her. She was equally indignant - she could not even begin to see what she was doing. The flyer was meant for parents after all, so what could be so wrong, and yes, of course she knew about Tom's mother's death but even that did not stop her putting the flyer in his 8 year old daughter's school diary.