French medical students say 'non' to euthanasia and assisted suicide.

From Alex Schadenberg's blog:  The following article was written by Redazione West and published on May 19, 2015 
Sign the EPC - Europe: Euthanasia in Belgium Petition.
It's a point-blank rejection that comes from a group of young medical students from the collective Soigner dans la dignité (cure with dignity). 
They believe that assisted death is a shortcut that avoids confronting two problems. 
The first concerns the fact that in medical school, study of end-of-life is very short and incomplete. 
The students believe therefore that you can't ask doctors, who are nigh-on inexperienced in the field, to bring an individual's existence to an end, without giving it due importance. 
The second problem is purely scientific. The medical students say there is an alternative to euthanasia, which is more effective and in line with the teachings of Hippocrates: the use of palliative care, which is indicated by the Leonetti law of 2005.